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Bogey's - Stone Creek Golf Club, Makanda

503 Stone Creek Drive

A single word tip for any venture capitalist that might be considering investing in a golf club restaurant in Southern Illinois – don’t.
Whether it’s a lack of an efficient marketing plan or the ability to successfully execute said plan any investment in regards to unearthing a profitable business opportunity in this sliver of a niche market is an unadvisable journey.  
Six in the evening on a Friday night and there is only one additional name in the reservation book. An hour later that table has shown up and one additional table has been filled (they either knew reservations wouldn’t be necessary, or they thought they’d chance it, or they were the parents of the chef).
The food was….unspectacular (for one in our group it got slightly more spectacular within 30 minutes). The prime-rib seemed to be a decent cut – and I couldn’t tell you for sure but I suspect they might be purchased from a food service in individual slices or possibly pre cooked. Why would I have such a suspicion? First with the lack of traffic, how and why would they cook a whole prime rib for an evening? And second, if you ask for it “rare” it shouldn’t be (a) dark or brownish or (b) the same color and consistency of a portion ordered “medium well”.

π ½   1 person out of four got ill immediately following dinner, but then 75% didn’t. Are you a gambler?
π ½   Server will probably leave when it becomes apparent there’s no future or earnings, expect a steady flow of young servers experiencing their first job. Guess they have to learn somewhere.

$ The Blue Boar, Cobden IL (breakfast experience)

970 Kratzinger Hollow Road

Let me take my mothers advice and say nice things about people. The servers pay attention to detail and are polite, the setting is fabulous, and the decorations pleasantly eccentric (unless you have a thing about dead wild animals being displayed for pleasure). The Bloody Mary is a bargain and a small meal in itself.
Well mom, you didn’t specifically say the adage of saying nice things applies to places. Not that I find The Blue Boar to be a bad place, but I find it inconsistent. The weekends foray for breakfast was less than spectacular. Interesting menu  items that tantalize the imagination did little to satisfy in the way of living up to imagined greatness.  It’s a problem many restaurants face and I’m not sure its staff turnover or lack of attention and detail. In a group of 8, no one item shined.  Nothing was bad, but it just lacked the sizzle that should be there given their menu selections. Another day it might be another story, but Sunday morning June 12th was a disappointing experience.

π π ½      Disappointing product from what is really a good and inventive menu selection
π π π ½   Wait staff was good and the surroundings are spectacular and fun.

$$$ The Newell House Bistro Cafe, Carbondale IL

201 E. Main St

After many previous stops for drinks and desserts after dining experiences elsewhere we finally made it back to The Newell House Bistro Café specifically for their dinner offerings.
Starting with a very good sherry tomato basil soup and fresh herbed bread the experience only ratcheted up a notch when the tower of a 12 ounce “smothered” ribeye appeared. Sautéed mushrooms, onions, green and yellow and red peppers, asparagus with bacon bits and crumbled bleu cheese  over mashed potatoes. A lot to write, a lot more to eat. But it was excellent and a “must try” for steak lovers. It was one of, if not the, best steak experiences I’ve had in Southern Illinois.
A second entrée, a spinach and chicken gorgonzola was not quite as spectacular, but certainly acceptable.
Wait staff was friendly and knowledgeable of the menu. While those who tackle the smothered ribeye most likely will not want to partake of dessert soon afterward, the grotto downstairs remains a favorite go to destination for drinks and dessert.

π π π ½      An unexpected great steak experience, very good soup & bread
π π π      Comfortable surroundings, and seem to have an excellent staff

$ Von Jakob Winery, Alto Pass IL

230 Hiway 127 North

Von Jakob's Alto Pass location has an excellent lunch offering at a fantastic value. Offering range from $6 to $8 and are deliciously prepared and well presented. A near fine dining experience for the price of a Big Mac Super Value Meal!! Available are German specialties such as various sausages and schnitzel and pork shank, as well as some outstanding and inventive panini sandwiches. Friday night dinners are supposed to be fantastic but I haven't had a chance to try them yet, but I regard the lunch offerings top notch and one of my favorite value / experience destinations. The are also now a micro brewery!

π π π         Well prepared and "different" fare that is vary tasty 
π π            Scenic view outside on the patio, inside like a hotel         banquet room. Service can be spotty

$$ Brick House Grill, Anna IL

308 South Main Street

I'm not sure why my expectations were relatively low when I first considered dining at the Brick House Grill in Anna. They far exceeded those expectations and the meals we had were delicious, well presented and much more complex than what I had assumed. Parmesan encrusted chicken breast with a clever avocado and corn salsa served with asparagus and roasted red potato, tilapia with goat cheese butter and a roasted red pepper soup - all delicious. We were quite impressed with the tastes and presentations and already looking forward to another trip (this time to try the highly touted bread pudding with whiskey sauce). The old saying about assuming bit me again....this place is a delight and probably the nicest $15-30 entrees in the area.

π π π ½   Pi’s for the food value equation. Excellent food and nice presentation without breaking the bank.
π π π       Brick walls and cement floor can make it a bit noisy, but owners / staff show great concern in making sure you have a great dining experience.

$ Louie’s P&R, Herrin IL

120 E. Walnut St

Louie’s P&K is an interesting and historic Herrin institution. It’s part Italian market, part butcher shop and part delicatessen. Known for making their own Italian sausage and “salameat” they have a loyal following for both retail meats/sausages and their lunch time sandwiches. With the good fortune of being within walking distance of the Herrin hospital that supplies a steady stream of staff for lunch(location, location, location) this downtown establishment thrives providing a limited but unique and authentic menu with a heaping helping of friendliness and service. A recommended “must see” in the area.

π π π         Fresh meat sandwiches served from their own butcher shop.
π π π ½     A friendly family atmosphere, Italian specialty items in the small market section.

$ Chucks BBQ, Herrin IL

1420 South Park Ave

My trip into Chucks BBQ in Herrin last month started with a brief discussion with the manager on duty, “I’ll have whatever you think is sensational, and something you’re known for”. After the cursory “everything is good here” baby back ribs were selected. To be honest, I was surprised on just how much I did not care for them. The ribs weren’t pre-boiled but had that consistently that required me to ask. The pink firm meat with smoke ring of a fine BBQ was what I hoped to get but not what I received. The meat was dark like mothers over done pot roast and had the fall off the bone consistency that I don’t attribute to good Q. The baked beans and hush puppy sides I had were OK but nothing sensational – a forgotten accompaniment had the ribs been stellar. I’ve heard good things about Chuck’s, my trip didn’t confirm them.

π π      Below average ribs, perhaps the pulled pork might be better.
π π π   On duty manager was polite and interested in feedback

$$ Crazy Joe's Fish House, Ava IL

693 Suchman Road
Fried fish – period. OK, not quite true, they have fried chicken, fried crawfish, fried frog legs, fried chips and French fries. The slaw is good and not fried. Crazy Joes is a fun and obviously informal atmosphere and if you have a craving for fried fish, a few beers and laughs with your friends and you want to go to an out of the way place this your place. If looking for an entrée that is not fried, you want something quick and close or you want to use your credit card go elsewhere. Limited at what they do, but what they do has good results, I could recommend the bluegill.
π π π       They do one thing, and do it pretty well.
π π ½       Pole barn, picnic tables. Very friendly and welcoming   

$$ The Cajun Cowboy, Murphysboro IL

308 Walnut
Cajun and Creole style cuisine are synonoumous with New Orleans and Louisiana and are culinary treat when well prepared. Unfortunately the meal at the Cajun Cowboy did not represent what a treat these styles can be. The gumbo was cold in one spot, hot in another. It was bland and tasteless which is not at all indicative of this Cajun staple. A shrimp dish was served awash in butter and although the shrimp seemed to be prepared correctly in terms of tenderness they too somehow lacked flavor, the only taste being that of the barrage of butter that they floated it above the rice. The gator dish on the menu warns that it is spicy hot lives up to the claim, hot but nothing more.
π ½       Food was bland and not particularly well prepared.
π π       Small and cozy, wait staff was friendly   

Newell House, Carbondale IL - full review coming soon

210 East Main

My only dining experience was almost two years ago, long before the blog so I’ll go back (soon) to try it again with a critical eye (lol)! But I did want to put this teaser out now because we have ended up in “the grotto” for desserts and/or drinks several times after a hard night of restaurant reviewing to unwind and talk. Good friends, comfortable chairs and couches and the extraordinary talents and friendliness of Jordan make the Grotto a favorite spot to end the evening.

Food score - TBD.
π π π π   AAA service and comfortable setting in “the grotto”  

$$ Thai Taste, Carbondale IL

100 South Illinois Ave

I like Thai food and know enough about it to know that the widely held axioms of it being too hot/spicy to eat are not necessarily true. Although many dishes are or can be extremely hot there are many that have wonderful blends of flavors and textures that are not. I’d recommend pad thai the national noodle dish of Thailand as a savory yet non spicy entrée.

We, and by we I mean the rural Southern Illinois community, are fortunate to have a couple of decent ethnic choices that often are missed unless your in a larger city. Thai Taste has both a decent selection of dishes, a 1-10 scale for spiciness for almost each dish, and the dishes are generally well done.

The largest caveat I’d offer that would prevent an all out recommendation is the inexplicable disgustingness of the carpet. If any association to the worn and soiled carpet (an undetermined original color now black in most places) is made on general sanitation and cleanliness in the kitchen I’d stay far, far away. Get a new floor covering!

π π π       Good food, reasonably priced. There is a wide range of regional cuisine available. Cantonese, Sichuan, Thai dishes among them.
π             General concerns about the cleanliness based largely on   the carpeting. “To go” a better option?  

$$ Hunan, Carbondale IL

$$ Hunan, Carbondale IL
710 East Main Street

Hunan seems to satisfy any craving for Chinese cuisine for my friends in the area. Our recent foray was very pleasurable and the food was good. The adventurous may try some exotic fare from the chefs’ specials, I can attest that the tea smoked duck was delicious but you’ll have to try the tripe dishes yourself and let me know how they are. Although adventurous I’m not exactly Andrew Zimmer. The soups have an excellent reputation.
There are plenty of dishes that I feel are “dumbed down” for the American palate that might not be exactly as they are in China, but that is fairly typical of any cultural food brought to America (think Mexican, Italian, etc., they’re usually any where from a lot to a bit different in the US). That doesn’t make them any less desirable. Allow me to philosophize…..any food or wine that you like is good.
From my understanding there are two Chinese restaurants in the area that out class the others. I will make that trip to Marion to check out the competition but in the meantime I’ll certainly recommend Hunan.

π π π       Good food, reasonably priced. There is a wide range of regional cuisine available. Cantonese, Sichuan, Thai dishes among them.
π π π ½   Very attentive and polite wait staff.  

$ The Root Beer Saloon, Alto Pass IL

#4 Main Street

The Root Beer Saloon may be the most unique dining destination we’ve reviewed. I’d post the hours, but they seem to be open when they feel like it, and close up show when they have other plans. Generally they’re open for lunch. The restaurant seats relatively few so large groups are ill advised to show up unannounced. No credit cards accepted.

When they are open it was our experience that it takes the husband and wife proprietor a while to warm, but once they do they are plethora of information subjects ranging from custom guitar building (If you come in with an extra $6000 or so in your pocket you might want to pick up one of the curly maple Zuni Custom guitars built by Michael Blank the owner).  The food is unique and ever changing. I was doubly surprised to find cioppino on one of my visits, first to find it anywhere outside the San Francisco area (much less Southern Illinois), and secondly then to find it was pretty good.  Herbed pork loin was another dish we tried that was good. There are two alluring factors to this place (1) the craziness of the décor which includes 175 sets of antlers and  150+ mounted ducks and geese and too many other artifacts to mention and (2) the food is anything but basic fare and totally unexpected and generally done well.
Oh yeah, the root beer saloon is so named because they have at least 3 craft / draft root beer selections – if you haven’t had a frost mug of draft root beer you don’t know what you’re missing.
π π π      Surprising menus, a solid 3 pi (good/B) rating.
π π π      You’ll remember the very unique setting, hit and miss with the service.

$ Harbaugh's Cafe, Carbondale IL

901 S Illinois Ave

Hands down my favorite breakfast in Southern Illinois. A favorite destination shared by many with lines stretching out the door onto the sidewalk almost every weekend.

Harbaugh’s is open for breakfast and lunch only and feature a menu that is fairly extensive. You’ll find the expected comfort foods such as eggs, pancakes, biscuits and gravy as well as more than a couple of delicious selections you’re less likely to make at home. The Mexican omelet and the “some like it hot” frittata are a couple of my favorite choices.
π π π ½  Great breakfasts and reasonably priced.
π π   You’ll remember the breakfast not the ambiance. Good wait staff

$$ Giant City Lodge, Makanda, IL

460 Giant City Lodge Road

I struggle defining my thoughts regarding dining at the Giant City Lodge. I’ve heard many folks that are not from the immediate area describe this place as the Holy Grail. I don’t know many locals who choose to eat there. Myself, it’s somewhere I go when family is in town because there is an emotional attachment (my grandfather worked building the lodge in the CCC days), and there no defining the beauty of the setting. I think the journey to and the surroundings around the lodge put flat landers in such a state of piece and awe that they’d brag about the porridge of out of any of the three bears bowls.

Not that the food is bad, it is not. For those who enjoy family style, all you can eat fried chicken this is a Mecca of comfort foods. Good fried chicken, dumplings, corn, mashed potatoes, green beans…you get the picture. They also have local buffalo on the menu for those who either really enjoy it or (and more likely) the tourist who want think they’re being adventurous by trying it. Most locals I know have no aversion to buffalo but wouldn’t spend the premium cost of eating it over when other area establishments serve a good beef steak meal at roughly half the price of a similar buffalo steak.

π π ½      Good food, family style a specialty, priced slightly higher than some other local restaurants.
π π π ½   Beautiful destination – so much it may be reason enough to go. A beautiful traditional log lodge within an equally scenic park.

$$ Midland Inn, Murphysboro, Ill

7570 Old Highway 13

This is a great local treasure. Casual, serving a large variety of good food at fair prices are descriptions that best describe Midland Inn.

Midland Inn boasts their own smokehouse in the back of the restaurant. I think there are two schools in our area for favorite barbeque those at the Midland Inn and those across town at 17th Street. I think both are good but probably give the nod to Midland Inn specifically because I don’t feel the present offering at 17th Street comes close to what their 3 time World Champion billing would lead you to believe.

From burgers to barbeque, from fish to fowl and soup to nuts (OK, there may not be nut offerings but it fit the description) Midland Inn offers good food to locals who know of this location off the beaten path. Away from fast food and chain restaurants will satisfy and so much more pleasing.

π π π    Lots of stuff to choose from, all pretty well done
π π ½   Pub atmosphere, enough said, come for the food

$ Taqueria Pequena, Cobden, Il

107 East Market Street

A wonderful little family run taqueria. This is not a Mexican restaurant but a taqueria where authentic Mexican style tacos, home made tamales and tortas are ordered from the counter then taken back to the tables in their new digs (was formally limited to 3 picnic tables outside under a tent/awning) in the former digs of “chicken Sunday” or otherwise known as the C-Infinity Center.
The steak (carne asada) tacos are my favorite. Each taco is served on a double stacked corn tortilla with the traditional cilantro and onion with a wedge of lime and a supply of green (verde) sauce. I find it no different than many of the taqueria’s I frequented while working in Central Mexico.
If your looking for table service, chips and salsa on the table or feel inclined to ask for a “crispy shell” taco this will NOT be the place for you.  If your enjoy experiencing cultures through a culinary experience – the “Little House of Tacos” will make your taste buds feel as if they’ve been transported to Mexico. Enjoy.
π π π    Simple, authentic food that is made well
π π ½   Missing the street presence of the old shack, now in comfortable indoor digs just around the corner

$$$ Koko’s at Kokopelli, Marion , Il

1401 Champions Drive
What would your expectation be upon hearing that a consortium of prominent investors which include the owners of Mary’s acclaimed restaurant in Herrin had opened a restaurant within Marion’s exclusive Kokopelli neighborhood? Mismanaged, disaster and almost empty on a Saturday night might not have come to mind but are in fact accurate descriptions of our January 29th dining experience there.
A sterile décor reminiscent of the dining area in an assisted living community, a bar cart on wheels sans limes or a bartender with a repertoire that must be limited to the number of digits on his/her hands, and a menu that has a grand total of 4 entrees and a sandwich (2 steak cuts, one chicken and one fish plus a cheeseburger) made this restaurant the most disappointing experience of any restaurant I’ve reviewed.
The experience started off on the wrong foot when our party arrived at the traditional front door (the one with the bright neon “OPEN” sign) only to find the path beyond it blocked by a dumpster and the door locked. Somehow in our after sunset sojourn we had missed the marker-on-poster sign pointing to the restaurant. Upon finding the door we entered the dining room that had three occupied tables (this was 7PM on a Saturday night). The menu choices did not meet the special dietary choices my significant other practices so, being the gamer she is, she cheerfully ordered two side salads since the menu did not contain an entrée salad choice. Management for reasons that still escape me, decided they would not sell a salad to us – much less two. At this point, we had pretty much reached our breaking point and focused discussion on where we might go for dessert. 
The steak I ordered was no better, and perhaps not as good, as other area establishments have for half the Koko’s price was no surprise.
If you are a Top 20 card patron you’ll notice that Koko’s is a participating restaurant. My advice is leave that square unused and get a better meal with far wider choices somewhere such as Midland Inn for the same price you would spend at KoKo’s utilizing the card.  
 π  Just can’t recommend the experience
 π  Just can’t recommend the food

$$ Cummare's Murphysboro, Ill

1603 Chestnut Street
The Galati family has been in the restaurant business for three generations. The menu features authentic Italian cuisine featuring homemade sauces used in the lasagna and spaghetti, along with pizza dough and alfredo sauces, all made from recipes that have been in the family for quoted from their website.

Our groups visit in early January 2010 found the food enjoyable and without cause to doubt the authenticity of thier posting. Subject to quite a rush on weekends (we were there on a Saturday night), it can be quite crowed with little room between the tables but my guess is the people who come are largely "in the know" and find the food worth enduring somewhat cramped conditions. The variety of pasta dishes were ordered and the table was satisfied, a little heavy on the red pepper on the nights pasta special, but overall very satisfied.

Although a family run business, it requires outside staff as well. Therein lies the most noticable room for improvement, the staff while friendly and prompt failed to offer a dessert offering, coffee or after dinner apertiff leaving the associated profits in our pockets. And I hear the tiramisu is fantastic!

For those living in the jackson County area, they'd be hard pressed to find a better choice to satisfy a craving for a pasta dinner.

π π π pi’s for the the flavorful     Foods

π π π pi’s for the atmosphere and service