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$$ Hunan, Carbondale IL

$$ Hunan, Carbondale IL
710 East Main Street

Hunan seems to satisfy any craving for Chinese cuisine for my friends in the area. Our recent foray was very pleasurable and the food was good. The adventurous may try some exotic fare from the chefs’ specials, I can attest that the tea smoked duck was delicious but you’ll have to try the tripe dishes yourself and let me know how they are. Although adventurous I’m not exactly Andrew Zimmer. The soups have an excellent reputation.
There are plenty of dishes that I feel are “dumbed down” for the American palate that might not be exactly as they are in China, but that is fairly typical of any cultural food brought to America (think Mexican, Italian, etc., they’re usually any where from a lot to a bit different in the US). That doesn’t make them any less desirable. Allow me to philosophize…..any food or wine that you like is good.
From my understanding there are two Chinese restaurants in the area that out class the others. I will make that trip to Marion to check out the competition but in the meantime I’ll certainly recommend Hunan.

π π π       Good food, reasonably priced. There is a wide range of regional cuisine available. Cantonese, Sichuan, Thai dishes among them.
π π π ½   Very attentive and polite wait staff.  

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