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$$ Giant City Lodge, Makanda, IL

460 Giant City Lodge Road

I struggle defining my thoughts regarding dining at the Giant City Lodge. I’ve heard many folks that are not from the immediate area describe this place as the Holy Grail. I don’t know many locals who choose to eat there. Myself, it’s somewhere I go when family is in town because there is an emotional attachment (my grandfather worked building the lodge in the CCC days), and there no defining the beauty of the setting. I think the journey to and the surroundings around the lodge put flat landers in such a state of piece and awe that they’d brag about the porridge of out of any of the three bears bowls.

Not that the food is bad, it is not. For those who enjoy family style, all you can eat fried chicken this is a Mecca of comfort foods. Good fried chicken, dumplings, corn, mashed potatoes, green beans…you get the picture. They also have local buffalo on the menu for those who either really enjoy it or (and more likely) the tourist who want think they’re being adventurous by trying it. Most locals I know have no aversion to buffalo but wouldn’t spend the premium cost of eating it over when other area establishments serve a good beef steak meal at roughly half the price of a similar buffalo steak.

π π ½      Good food, family style a specialty, priced slightly higher than some other local restaurants.
π π π ½   Beautiful destination – so much it may be reason enough to go. A beautiful traditional log lodge within an equally scenic park.

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