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Bogey's - Stone Creek Golf Club, Makanda

503 Stone Creek Drive

A single word tip for any venture capitalist that might be considering investing in a golf club restaurant in Southern Illinois – don’t.
Whether it’s a lack of an efficient marketing plan or the ability to successfully execute said plan any investment in regards to unearthing a profitable business opportunity in this sliver of a niche market is an unadvisable journey.  
Six in the evening on a Friday night and there is only one additional name in the reservation book. An hour later that table has shown up and one additional table has been filled (they either knew reservations wouldn’t be necessary, or they thought they’d chance it, or they were the parents of the chef).
The food was….unspectacular (for one in our group it got slightly more spectacular within 30 minutes). The prime-rib seemed to be a decent cut – and I couldn’t tell you for sure but I suspect they might be purchased from a food service in individual slices or possibly pre cooked. Why would I have such a suspicion? First with the lack of traffic, how and why would they cook a whole prime rib for an evening? And second, if you ask for it “rare” it shouldn’t be (a) dark or brownish or (b) the same color and consistency of a portion ordered “medium well”.

π ½   1 person out of four got ill immediately following dinner, but then 75% didn’t. Are you a gambler?
π ½   Server will probably leave when it becomes apparent there’s no future or earnings, expect a steady flow of young servers experiencing their first job. Guess they have to learn somewhere.

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