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$$ Midland Inn, Murphysboro, Ill

7570 Old Highway 13

This is a great local treasure. Casual, serving a large variety of good food at fair prices are descriptions that best describe Midland Inn.

Midland Inn boasts their own smokehouse in the back of the restaurant. I think there are two schools in our area for favorite barbeque those at the Midland Inn and those across town at 17th Street. I think both are good but probably give the nod to Midland Inn specifically because I don’t feel the present offering at 17th Street comes close to what their 3 time World Champion billing would lead you to believe.

From burgers to barbeque, from fish to fowl and soup to nuts (OK, there may not be nut offerings but it fit the description) Midland Inn offers good food to locals who know of this location off the beaten path. Away from fast food and chain restaurants will satisfy and so much more pleasing.

π π π    Lots of stuff to choose from, all pretty well done
π π ½   Pub atmosphere, enough said, come for the food

1 comment:

  1. I wish they had better fries. Actually, I wish they had better everything, but it's been 2+ years since I've been. I guess that makes me in the 17th Street camp.
