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$ A Lil' Taste of Cuba, Marion Illinois

If you've been fortunate enough to have visited Cuba or, and more likely, the Cuban American communities  Ybor City or sections of Miami Florida and appreciated the unique tastes of this island nation, then A lil' taste of Cuba in Marion will be become a regular stop on your list of worthwhile dining establishments.

Cuban coffee, empanada's, black beans and rice and the cursory Cuban Sandwich are all well done and available as are other island treats. Actually there are about 5-6 empanada fillings (pork and yucca are my favorite). Nobody does black beans and rice like the Cubans and lil' taste does not disappoint. The pork platter cooked with mojo sauce is good, but not quite up to par with the eateries of large Cuban American populations, but if you've never had that you'll be quite satisfied.

 In the midst of expansion the seating is for the time being very limited but the future holds expanded capacity and outdoor dining.

π π π  for the outstanding tastes that are kind on the budget
π π     for the current environment (but there are expansion plans)

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