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$$ Jasone’s Bed and Breakfast, Marion IL

1414 West Main Street

Jasone’s is not your typical restaurant which is kind of what, along with the ambiance of a grand old home, I was looking forward to. The inn keeper did her best by trying to single handedly prepare meals for 15 individuals, but the experience I believe for all was lacking. Touted as using only the freshest of local ingredients and artfully crafted into a memorable culinary experience there was nothing about the experience that was redeeming except for perhaps the effort (albeit a largely disappointing result). Dried basil flakes on top of a mediocre tomato soup does not a basil-tomato bisque make. Parmesan potatoes were poorly done, the teenage server spilled pasta on the guest and yet another had problems retrieving the remainder of a six pack of beer (BYOB) after the dinner was concluded. Steak was not memorable, server would have liked to have been somewhere else – and all things considered so do I.

π  ½       Nothing memorable, exceptional or
π  ½       Service was lackluster. Do you think you should know when the  building was built if you work in a B&B? Answer, 1906

$ Evelyn's, Carbondale IL

519 S. Illinois Ave

Evelyn’s came very highly rated from a friend and neighbor. I was so disappointed to find that the high hopes and expectations of a New Orleans style soul food experience fell flat. And hard.

It’s possible that dinners are better, but the lunch experience was terrible, and the empty restaurant during a Saturday’s prime lunch hour spoke volumes of the lack buzz about the place. First, you’re a New Orleans style restaurant and you only offer gumbo at dinner? Very limited selection, and we went with both jerk and curry chicken tacos. There is NO EXCUSE to serve tortilla shells that are so stale leather would be a suitable substitute. Not all six where like that, just the top 2 or 3 that could have been thrown out to get the fresher ones underneath. Then we had to ask if they were supposed to be hot or cold, because they were neither. I grew up in Memphis and moved here from Georgia so have been around a few collard greens. These were WAY overdone – almost soupy. The red beans and rice were OK but nothing special and the rice in them rather poorly done.

I can’t recommend this restaurant.

π             Nothing really to grouse about, breads and desserts are their most successful items
π  ½      Service was OK, but should be trained to spot problems and correct or report them

$ Honeybakers, Marion IL

1131 North Carbon Street

I must be pretty frickin’ hard to impress, as I write this review it occurs to me how negative most of the areas reviews have been. To borrow the vernacular of Chicago’s Southside it’s “sawright”.

Again, it was a wonderful evening with friends.  And unlike some places we’ve been there are some real bright spots here. If you’re a bread/roll person I think the rolls here are fantastic. If I could make them that way I’d be twice my present girth. The desserts are numerous and roundly enjoyed by our group. The entrée’s are a step down from the two aforementioned products. I had a barbeque parfait which was enjoyable (beans, coleslaw and barbeque pork served in a mason jar), but no single component better than average, in fact the beans were probably no better than a good canned baked bean (if you believe that exists). I’m big on value when I review a restaurant and here too it’s “sawright”, but I found little to entice me to drive to Marion area from our Midland Hills home for another trip anytime soon. If you live in the Marion area or are going through, I’d say give it a try. 

π π ½    Nothing really to grouse about, breads and desserts are their most successful items
π π ½    Service was OK, when we travel in a large group I give them more leeway than I’d otherwise do.

$$$ Global Gourmet, Carbondale (Valentines menu)

102 East Jackson Street

I actually thought ahead enough to make dinner reservations on Valentine’s Day, and chose a previous favorite right in the heart of Carbondale.
When I made reservations there were two available times available but no mention was made of the fact that on Valentine’s Day only the special fixed price menu was available. I don’t have an issue with the menu, it was great (although not inexpensive @$125 per couple or $100 without alcohol) but I don’t think that springing that as a surprise on someone when they show up and at that point have no other options outside a drive through available to them is customer centric.
The menu was Italian based, starting with a glass of Champaign or aperitif. It was followed by a shared assortment of approximately 6 small portion appetizers that were very well presented and prepared.  A choice of soup or salad was offered for each diner. Entrees were a choice of 3, a grilled shrimp, or our choices of a veal and stuffed chicken breast. Here I found the entrees not quite up to par with Global Gourmet experiences past. The chicken was ever so slightly overcooked making it a bit tougher than it should be and the veal was very good except for one big portion of hidden gristle that caused me to excuse myself from the table to rid myself of the morsel that wouldn’t die. Dessert was another collection of several, all very well done.
In my opinion, Global Gourmet let their standards down just a bit and took advantage of Valentine’s Day.

π π π    Still among the best options for fine dining in the area, just off a tad on this night
π π π    Service was good, a bit of a ding for surprising us with the take it or leave it menu.

Centralia House, Centralia, IL

111 N. Oak Street

Let me say first of all that this review was done as part of a very enjoyable evening with a group of friends and included the adventure of boarding Amtrak to and from Centralia House from Carbondale.
The time together on the train (approximately an hour) allowed the ten of us to converse and covertly share a little Limoncello together before detraining for the one block walk to the restaurant. But you’re probably here to read about the restaurant and no the details of the journey so here’s my thoughts.
Centralia House for very hospitable in helping arrange this dinner so we could dine at a leisurely pace and have to worry about missing the return train. They took our orders in advance and even had the tickets split up by couples when we arrived and ordered drinks and appetizers. They were pleasant and friendly throughout. The building and its associated history are interesting reading and neat to say you and Ulysses Grant ate at the same place.
The food was….and sorry here was less than spectacular but good, but for $100 a couple I want better than good. I think what got me disappointed (besides that little guy on my shoulder who kept whispering “for what you paid for dinner and transportation you could have gone to Tom’s) was the house special Centralia House shrimp. I’ve got a thing that when you stake your reputation on a particular product, that product should be pretty damn good. In fairness, most of the reviews I’ve read rave about it. I found the shrimp to be over cooked. Now that is easy to do, (it makes them tough) – but when you advertise a house special…………..
The escargot is probably not a fast paced item (I know, that’s bad) for good reason. How about a using some spring greens or spinach in the salad.
It was a fun evening and the food was good. I just can’t rate it as a value proposition.
I’m hearing better things about Walker’s Bluff, it might be time to see how they’re doing again.

 π π π    I might have gone π π ½ I’m sure everyone enjoyed their selves and their dinner.
π π π ½   Service and hospitality really were good. Thank you.

Bogey's - Stone Creek Golf Club, Makanda

503 Stone Creek Drive

A single word tip for any venture capitalist that might be considering investing in a golf club restaurant in Southern Illinois – don’t.
Whether it’s a lack of an efficient marketing plan or the ability to successfully execute said plan any investment in regards to unearthing a profitable business opportunity in this sliver of a niche market is an unadvisable journey.  
Six in the evening on a Friday night and there is only one additional name in the reservation book. An hour later that table has shown up and one additional table has been filled (they either knew reservations wouldn’t be necessary, or they thought they’d chance it, or they were the parents of the chef).
The food was….unspectacular (for one in our group it got slightly more spectacular within 30 minutes). The prime-rib seemed to be a decent cut – and I couldn’t tell you for sure but I suspect they might be purchased from a food service in individual slices or possibly pre cooked. Why would I have such a suspicion? First with the lack of traffic, how and why would they cook a whole prime rib for an evening? And second, if you ask for it “rare” it shouldn’t be (a) dark or brownish or (b) the same color and consistency of a portion ordered “medium well”.

π ½   1 person out of four got ill immediately following dinner, but then 75% didn’t. Are you a gambler?
π ½   Server will probably leave when it becomes apparent there’s no future or earnings, expect a steady flow of young servers experiencing their first job. Guess they have to learn somewhere.

$ The Blue Boar, Cobden IL (breakfast experience)

970 Kratzinger Hollow Road

Let me take my mothers advice and say nice things about people. The servers pay attention to detail and are polite, the setting is fabulous, and the decorations pleasantly eccentric (unless you have a thing about dead wild animals being displayed for pleasure). The Bloody Mary is a bargain and a small meal in itself.
Well mom, you didn’t specifically say the adage of saying nice things applies to places. Not that I find The Blue Boar to be a bad place, but I find it inconsistent. The weekends foray for breakfast was less than spectacular. Interesting menu  items that tantalize the imagination did little to satisfy in the way of living up to imagined greatness.  It’s a problem many restaurants face and I’m not sure its staff turnover or lack of attention and detail. In a group of 8, no one item shined.  Nothing was bad, but it just lacked the sizzle that should be there given their menu selections. Another day it might be another story, but Sunday morning June 12th was a disappointing experience.

π π ½      Disappointing product from what is really a good and inventive menu selection
π π π ½   Wait staff was good and the surroundings are spectacular and fun.