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$ Louie’s P&R, Herrin IL

120 E. Walnut St

Louie’s P&K is an interesting and historic Herrin institution. It’s part Italian market, part butcher shop and part delicatessen. Known for making their own Italian sausage and “salameat” they have a loyal following for both retail meats/sausages and their lunch time sandwiches. With the good fortune of being within walking distance of the Herrin hospital that supplies a steady stream of staff for lunch(location, location, location) this downtown establishment thrives providing a limited but unique and authentic menu with a heaping helping of friendliness and service. A recommended “must see” in the area.

π π π         Fresh meat sandwiches served from their own butcher shop.
π π π ½     A friendly family atmosphere, Italian specialty items in the small market section.

$ Chucks BBQ, Herrin IL

1420 South Park Ave

My trip into Chucks BBQ in Herrin last month started with a brief discussion with the manager on duty, “I’ll have whatever you think is sensational, and something you’re known for”. After the cursory “everything is good here” baby back ribs were selected. To be honest, I was surprised on just how much I did not care for them. The ribs weren’t pre-boiled but had that consistently that required me to ask. The pink firm meat with smoke ring of a fine BBQ was what I hoped to get but not what I received. The meat was dark like mothers over done pot roast and had the fall off the bone consistency that I don’t attribute to good Q. The baked beans and hush puppy sides I had were OK but nothing sensational – a forgotten accompaniment had the ribs been stellar. I’ve heard good things about Chuck’s, my trip didn’t confirm them.

π π      Below average ribs, perhaps the pulled pork might be better.
π π π   On duty manager was polite and interested in feedback